Amos Plumroy Benfield
Amos Plumroy Benfield was born at the turn of the century in 1901. He was born at a time when being a mountain man was just a way of life in western North Carolina and east Tennessee. He was a self-made man, a carpenter, blacksmith, and avid hunter and fisherman. He was married at a young age to Mary Cuthbertson Benfield from Avery County, NC, and they would walk through this life side by side until his death on May 10, 1970. Today, they rest together in the Cuthbertson family graveyard in Crossnore, NC.
Amos Benfield was lovingly referred to by everyone in the family as Daddy Amos, my grandfather. He is gone but truly not forgotten. Many grandchildren carry his name in theirs. Generations have come and we all remember our love for the man that loved us. He was a strong, man's man that spoke softly and had wisdom of his forefathers and knew how to work with his hands.

We dedicate and remember our very own Daniel Boone,
Amos Plumroy Benfield
Daddy Amos